Best Places To Work Remotely In Houston

Remote working and remote studying are fast becoming the norm rather than the alternative. This article seeks to help you navigate this brand-new space and find the best solution for your unique needs.

What to Look for in a Coworking Space

Let's look at the main points of consideration when trying to select a good place for working remotely in Houston. Whether these are places to sit and work or places to study, these key points are important to keep in mind.


When it comes to digital nomads of this generation, the vibe of a place is as important as the actual facilities. In fact, if the place has a great vibe, we tend to overlook minor shortcomings. After all, you should want to spend more time there being productive.

coworking space

Great Wi-Fi

This is a given. You need solid connectivity in order to be productive when you are working online. A coworking space is nothing without an incredible Wi-Fi connection.

Noise Levels

Focused work is often difficult in a noisy environment. So if you are looking for places to do work remotely in Houston, you should also keep this in mind. Also, take note of the fact that noise levels may vary throughout the day. So make sure to visit and do a test run around the same time of the day when you want to be productive.


This is, of course, going to be a significant consideration. Everything could be perfect, and the cost may be the dealbreaker. However, most places have flexible plans that allow you to pay as you go or choose to take out a membership. Make sure to explore various membership options, as most spaces offer a spectrum of workspace memberships that can fit most budgets, from flexible open space to larger private offices.

Memberships usually have more benefits attached, so if you are planning on long-term remote working, look into these deals.

Ability to Host Others

This is an important one if you need to collaborate or have a group study session. Most coworking spaces have at least one enclosed area for holding meetings. Good ones have multiple spaces in various sizes and capacities.

Free Places to Sit and Work

Some of the best things in life are free. This also applies to remote working places. There are a lot of public places where access is free, and no one will bother you if you choose to sit down for a few hours and just work.

place to sit and work

Hotel lobbies are a good example. Most hospitality establishments have a central lobby area where outsiders can come and sit. This is usually meant as a buffer zone where guests can meet visitors. These areas are usually calm, pleasant, and equipped with chairs and tables. Best of all, they are free and comfortable.

Public libraries, certain museums, gallery spaces, and similar places are other great free spots for individuals to sit and work. And if you need to work with a group, take it to an open space like Levy park or Discovery Green.

Best Places to Work Remotely

Coffee shops are the age-old haunt for writers and poets. There are endless stories of famous writers getting the bulk of their writing done at coffee shops. Some of them, like JK Rowling (author of the Harry Potter series), would go to these places to save money on things like heating, WiFi, etc

Besides, it is an ideal thing to do if you enjoy people watching and don't mind a bit of a bustle. However, if you want a more structured environment, you are better off at a dedicated remote working space that gives you a good replacement for the office environment that you are perhaps used to.

For many people, working remotely is challenging because of the lack of structure. As a result, working from home becomes unproductive and frustrating. This is where a coworking solution like Ranch Office comes in.

A space such as this is built with productivity in mind and is designed to help you maintain your focus and clarity. Paired with the right amenities, services, and flexible membership options, these are certainly great places to do work.

Best Places to Study Remotely

Coworking spaces are also great for those who are looking to study remotely. They are quiet, focused environments that usually have the right balance of services and independence.

While a lot of people would be happy enough with just sitting at the park or studying at a coffee shop, a dedicated space is ideal for those who want to be highly productive in every hour they study.

It is a great break from the dorm room or the library because those can get distracting very quickly.

Get Comfortable

In the end, the best place to study or work is wherever you are most comfortable and are able to focus for long periods at a time. If you’re looking for a place to study or work remotely in Houston, you’ll find that Ranch Office has everything that you need.